“IMAGINE YOUTH – TEMPORARY ATELIER” transforms the spaces of the ZETA Center into an art studio where the protagonists are several young girls who are encountering a canvas and easel for the first time. These girls are spending their youth working daily in various factories that produce goods (primarily for the fashion industry) for some of the most renowned corporations in the Western world. During the duration of this atelier, these girls attempt to articulate, through signs, shapes, colors, or words, their imaginary youth as a product of unfulfilled desires due to the oppressive gravity of state anomalies.
“IMAGINE YOUTH – TEMPORARY ATELIER” is part of the project “Inspiro Rininë: Nxitja e kreativitetit, ndërtimi i së ardhmes”, made possible with the support of the Agjencia për Mbështetjen e Shoqërisë Civile (AMSHC).